Drs using BRGP management services have special skills, training current and future health practitioners, undertaking research and they bring expertise from other areas to our practice.
Drs using BRGP have a wide diversity of clinical skills and interests, and we bring these together at Brunker Road General Practice to create a professional group that can provide our community with exceptional General Practice Care.
External Clinical Work:​
Dr Tony Saltis, Dr Nick DeVitis, Dr Bridget Daniel and Dr Hilary Butt work in the Antenatal Clinic at John Hunter Hospital.
Dr Nick DeVitis worked in a cardiology stress test clinic.
Dr Mark De Souza works for HNEAHD Mental Health Service and Palliative Care
Dr Lee Fong manages GP Access After Hours (GPAAH).
Dr Duane Crabtree worked at the Calvary Mater Hospital Emergency Department and was a clinical director of GPAAH.
Dr Milton Sales, Dr Moses Chan, Dr Nick DeVitis, Dr Miriam Paquet, Dr Graeme Horton, Dr Rebecca Rowe, Dr Schalk Botes and Dr Joab Hull and Dr Peter Miles all work in Aged Care facilities.
Dr Mark DeSouza works in the Palliative Care Service.
Dr Milton Sales and Dr Steven Lindsay perform newborn male Circumcisions at Brunker Road General Practice.
Dr Peter Miles, Dr Steven Lindsay, Dr Michael Sales Dr Schalk Boteshave done training in Skin Cancer management.
22 of our Doctors work at GP Access After Hours.
Research and Teaching
Dr Ben Ewald B.Med,PhD is conducting research into Exercise Physiology and fitness and has taught in the Medical Faculty in Masters of Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology.
Dr Graeme Horton teaches in the Newcastle University Medical Faculty and has a PhD in Environmental Medicine.
Dr Milton Sales OAM has performed research into Transient Ischaemic Attacks (minor Strokes).
Professor John Marley MD MBChB PhD FRCP FRACGP DA DRCOG FACRRM FPCert works for University of Queensland in Research and Teaching.
Dr Anita Watts is a senior lecturer in Indigenous Health at the University of Newcastle.
Our whole practice performs research for the University of Newcastle as needed.
Postgraduate Education
Dr Milton Sales is the Programme Committee Chairman of the Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute.
Sr Helen Conn and Sr Maureen O'Neill are on the Nursing Programme Committee of the HPMI.
Dr Moses Chan work at the GP Synergy, training new doctors in General Practice.
Dr Ben Ewald has done postgraduate teaching at the University of Newcastle in Epidemiology and Public Health.
Dr Jaimie Navalli works for the Primary Health Network HealthPathways Project
​Registered Nursing Skills
Helen Conn RN heads our Nursing Service and is a registered immuniser.
Alison Wright RN is a diabetes educator nurse and is a registered immuniser.
Pam Russo RN Annie Byrne RN and Helen Brady RN have extensive skills in General Practice nursing and are registered immunisers.
Maureen O'Neill RN has anaesthetic nursing experience and training and is a registered immuniser.
Paula Crean RN is a registered Midwife working at baby health clinics and is a registered immuniser.
Sarah Galal RN has perinatal mental health skills and is a registered immuniser.
Many of our nurses work for GP Access After Hours doing triage of sick patients on the telephone answering service and working at the After Hours Clinics.
Tania Kelly, AIN assists with sterilisation and basic nursing duties.
Indigenous Health
Dr Anita Watts is an Aboriginal Doctor.
Our practice values caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
Dr Miriam Paquet, Dr John Marley and Dr Ben Ewald have experience in Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander health.
​Community Involvement
Medical and Nursing staff from our surgery have done volunteer overseas aid work in Vanuatu and Louisiades, PNG and have worked with MESCH - an organisation that does paediatric surgery and community health work in Vietnam and Vanuatu
Our practice coordinates the homeless clinic run at lunchtimes at the Soul Cafe above the Westpac building in Hunter St.
Called the Soul Clinic, it caters for the poor and disorganised, including true street people, providing medical care while their free lunches are being served.
Medical, Nursing and Clerical staff attend the Soul Clinic as volunteers to help the needy in our community.